%expand% Order Confirmation

Aunt Katherines Angels


Thank you for your order. You will receive your hand-made Angel within two to four weeks.
%smtp-mail(1webblvd.com,webmaster,%form(email),webmaster@1webblvd.com,Angel Order, " Name: %form(name) %client-ip% Address1: %form(address1) Address2: %form(address2) City: %form(city) State: %form(state) Zip: %form(zip) Phone: %form(phone) Fax: %form(fax) Email: %form(email) Wings: %form(wings) Hair: %form(hair) Halo: %form(halo) Payment: %form(payment) Credit name: %form(cname) Card Number: %form(cnum) Expire: %form(expire) Quantity: %form(quantity) Total: %form(total) Tax: %form(tax) Shipping: %form(ship) Amount due: %form(due)")

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